Monday, September 13, 2010

Mr. Awesome

I will be completely honest, there are days that I take my husband for granted. However, lately those days are very few and far between! Since Scott started taking classes this semester he hasn't been home much. And by "not much" I mean he has class Monday - Thursday nights and doesn't get home until after 8:30 most of the time. I miss coming home to him after work and tell him all about my day. I also miss our walks around the neighborhood, our nights cuddled on the couch or a spontaneous moving, wine and Chinese food evening that happens to fall on a Wednesday night! Most nights I am on my own for dinner, unless we meet up after work for a quick bit. Most nights it's Joey (the cat) and I on the couch watching any random show that I know Scott wouldn't enjoy or, on nights like tonight, it's me and a glass of wine hanging out on the computer listening to music. As much of a sacrifice this is right now, I know every night I come home to an empty house will only benefit our future together. I really wouldn't do it for anyone else! :-)

Not only do I miss my husband when I get home at night, but I miss the help around the house! I have to be one of the luckiest wives in the world because I have a husband who helps cook dinner (honestly, most nights he's home he cooks!), does the laundry (no pink shirts yet!), puts the dishes away (still working on how to properly load the dishwasher but I'll take what I can get) and likes to vacuum!!!

Basically, I married Mr. Awesome!!!

We're still trying to figure out our routine this Fall. It has been a challenge balancing work, class, household responsibilities and our relationship but I have all the confidence in the world that we will make this schedule work for us. It may take us until January when we will be faced with another (different) schedule, but we'll make it work! It's always worked out for us...why shouldn't this next step? In the meantime, we have been focusing our attention on "us" when we get time to spend together. We have a couple really good "us" weekends and we hope that they continue! Scott supported me while I was finishing up Grad school and I am happy to do the same for him!!!

Anyways, enough of how awesome my husband is! :-) Things are good here! I have been working a lot of overtime the last couple of weeks at work. We have a huge deadline on Friday so we have been working like crazy to meet it. I sure hope this only happens every 6 months or so, getting into the office at 7:00 and not leaving until 6:00 while working over lunch isn't my thing! Scott and I are moving next weekend so we have been busy packing up the apartment. We are both looking forward to moving, it's time for a change. Besides that, I have a big birthday surprise planned for Scott this weekend....he has no idea what it is and it's driving him crazy! Tune in next week to see what it was! :-)

Heather G

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