Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm a bad blogger....

I know it's been a while since I've updated our blog, but believe it or not, I've been busy! :-) I'm not sure where the time has gone, but all I know is that I'm 4 weeks away from being done with school (for the semester at least) and 13 months away from our wedding! Wedding excitement is starting to take over, and it's beginning to be a challenge to focus on anything but wedding details. I don't know where the last 6 months have gone, but I remember thinking that we had all the time in the world to plan our wedding...well, now we only have 13 months! But, before I go in too much more detail about my excitement, let's go back a few months and get you all caught up on what Scott and I have been doing...

In March we headed back to Iowa for a long weekend. It was the first time Scott had been back to Iowa since he moved to Colorado last fall. It was a much needed home visit for the both of us. We were busy, spending time with family and friends, but it was a nice break from our busy lives out here. We enjoyed spending time with Scott's Mom, Step-Dad and Sister, as well as my Dad and the rest of my family. We also got to spend some much needed time with our Iowa friends! Overall the weekend was a blast! We are sorry that we didn't get a chance to see everyone...but there's always next time.

Since we got back, life has escalated past busy to hectic! I started a new job in April at the Colorado Center for Community Development. I am a student design intern there and have been working about 20 hours a week. I am also still working at the pool in Boulder as a Manager and TAing for an undergrad class...oh, and let's not forget school. With everything going on, I have barley had time to sleep! But it will all be over soon! :-) I have 4 weeks left of classes and am looking forward to relaxing in May.

So, back to wedding excitement! I am starting to realize that the next 12 months will go by very fast! This summer we will be looking for caterers, cake bakers and rental places...just to name a few! We are hoping that most of the details will be figured out by the time fall semester starts. With that being said, I can guarantee that there will be more blogs starting as I want to keep you all in the loop of our wedding adventures.

I hope all is well in your life! Please keep in touch, we'd love to hear from you!
