Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Engagement Pictures

Hello everyone!!!  Last Tuesday Scott and I got our engagement pictures taken in Estes Park.  We wanted to get our pictures done in Estes since that is where Scott proposed and we are getting married.  Any normal person would have waited until the weather was nice and warm, but I rarely do what normal people would do anyway! :-)  I had my mind set on having snowy engagement pictures since sweaters, scarves and hats are my favorite things to wear.  Well, we definitely had on our sweaters, scarves and hats but there was no snow.  The weather was freezing cold and the wind was blowing but we decided to get our pictures taken anyway.  Melissa and her assistant Megan braved the weather with us as we walked all around the town.  By the end our lips were blue and we could barely feel our fingers, but it was well worth it.  Scott and I could not be happier with our pictures.  We will get all the proofs soon, but until then Melissa posted a few of her favorites on her website.  Please feel free to go take a look at them and give us feedback on your favorites!  There are plenty more to come, so we will need all the help we can get to pick a favorite.  


Heather and Scott

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Welcome 2009!!! I can't believe another year has passed! I feel like the older I get the faster the years go by. 2008 was a big year for both Scott and I. It was a year full of changes, adventures, struggles and excitement...I went back to grad school in January, Scott graduated from college in May, my Mom moved to Fort Collins in August, Scott moved to Denver in September, Scott and I got engaged in October and I got laid off in November....what a year! Through the good and the bad, I don't think I would change any of the events of this past year. Overall it was a good year and one we both will remember (and talk about) for years to come.

But now it's time to move forward and focus on the future. I don't know what 2009 will hold for us but I think both Scott and I are hoping for a little less eventful year! :-) We'll continue to plan for the wedding and I'll graduate in December, but beyond that I think we'll just enjoy our life in Colorado. We are excited to go snowboarding before the weather gets warm, go camping once the weather is nice and attend a few CU Football games when fall comes around. I'm not one to set New Years Resolutions, but if I had to make one it would be to live a happy and fulfilled life this coming year. If 2008 taught me one thing, it was that life is unpredictable and if you plan too far in advance you lose out on enjoying the present moments. This year, I hope to enjoy each and every moment.

I hope 2009 is a good you for you and your family too! We hope to see you all in the coming year!!!
