Friday, April 30, 2010

1 Month To Go....

A month from TODAY Scott and I will be saying our vows and exchanging rings in front of our closest friends and family members. One month from today, Scott and I will become husband and wife and commit ourselves to each other for the rest of our lives. How cool is that!? It's crazy to think that we are only 30 days away from our "big day"! These past 18 months have flown by! I wish I could say that the past 18 months have been perfect, wonderful and easy....but I would just be lying to everyone! The truth is, these past 18 months have been the hardest and most challenging months that either one of us has had to go through. We've had our ups and we've had our downs. We've celebrated together and cried together. We've been angry, frustrated, happy, excited, sad, hopeful and disappointed. Life has handed us challenges that we were not prepared for or wanting to take on! But through everything, Scott and I have stuck together, supported one another and had faith that we could get through these past 18 months as long as we did it together.

On Oct. 18, 2008 Scott got down on one knee (Yes, he really did) and asked me to marry him. Even though I was sick as can be, it was the happiest day of my life! That day, I think we both imagined that our lives would be perfect from that moment on! :-) We were getting married! We were soooo in love! We were so excited for our future together! Well, those feelings lasted exactly 3 weeks and 6 days. On Nov. 17, 2008 I got laid off from my job. That was the day that we started a journey together that neither one of us had planned for!

Now, I don't want to make it sound like these past 18 months have been awful! To be honest, we've actually have had more good days then bad days. I graduated from grad school, we got our first apartment together, we went to a dozen concerts and tried out a hundred new restaurants, we went camping, explored the Rocky Mountains and have begun making Colorado our home. We meet new friends, developed stronger relationships with our families as a couple and built a stronger foundation for our life together. I know both Scott and I are disappointed that we were "robbed" of our "honeymoon" phase in life and wish that reality hadn't come quite as fast as it did, but I guess that's life.

If I've learned nothing else from the past year and half, I have managed to learn these 5 things:
1 - Life never goes as planned
2 - Enjoy today and don't worry about tomorrow (the biggest life lesson Scott has taught me)
3 - As long as I put my faith and trust in God I can make it through life's challenges
4 - Scott is the love of my life and I never want to go a day without him by my side
5 - Scott and I are so blessed to have loving and supportive friends and family members

As I look forward towards the next 18 months of our lives, I wonder what challenges life will bring us. Where will we be in 18 months? What will we be doing? What exciting new things are coming our way that we don't even know about yet? I guess only time will tell!!!

On a quick wedding note: We have been busy trying to finalize our last minute details for the wedding. RSVPs have been rolling in each day, final payments have been made and final touches have been done to make our wedding weekend even more special. We still have a long list of stuff that needs to get done, but neither one of us is feeling too overwhelmed! We are excited to see our family and friends at the end of the month! We are very excited for our honeymoon (a much needed vacation)! But I think most of all, we are just excited to finally be husband and wife! It's been over 10 years since Scott and I first met....I think we've waiting long enough!

With Love,

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